Bering Strait Mooring Cruise 2003R/V Alpha Helix30th June - 8th July 2003Teller - Nome Sang Lee (UAF), Sarah Thornton (UAF), Clara Deal (IARC) Keith Magness (UW), Justin Denton (SUNY), Anne Hess (MATE Center, Monterey Peninsula College) Corresponding
author: Rebecca Woodgate |
During an 8-day physical
and biogeochemical cruise to the Bering Strait and southern Chukchi
Sea, three moorings (carrying current meters, temperature and
salinity sensors, a nutrient sampler, a transmissometer and a
fluorometer) deployed in the Bering Strait region for 1 year, were
recovered and redeployed. Nine CTD and ADCP sections, including
water sampling for nutrients, O-18, CDOM and DOC, were run.
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