Bering Strait Mooring Cruise 2004R/V Alpha HelixHX290 29th August - 6th September 2004 Nome - NomeStephanie Moreland (UAF), Pieter deHart (UAF) Lee Morrow (MATE Center, Monterey Peninsula College) Corresponding
author: Rebecca Woodgate |
NSF-SBI (OPP-0125082) |
MAP During
an 8-day physical and biogeochemical cruise to the Bering Strait and southern
Chukchi Sea, three moorings (carrying current meters, temperature
and salinity sensors, a nutrient sampler, a transmissometer and a fluorometer)
deployed in the Bering Strait region for 1 year, were recovered and redeployed.
Good weather also allowed completion of a CTD/ADCP survey of the region, with
water sampling for nutrients, O-18 and hydrogen isotopes. - a warming and freshening of the Alaskan Coastal Current (here and here and here), between 2003 and 2004 - year-long timeseries of temperature, salinity and velocity in the Bering Strait (here) - enough barnacles to sink a mooring? (here and here and especially here) |
HX290 CRUISE REPORT Appendix A - preliminary CTD sections Appendix B - preliminary Mooring results Appendix C - MODIS and Seawifs Images (courtesy of M.Schmidt) Appendix D - O18 Bottle logs (hard copy only) Appendix E - Instrument fouling from A2-03, A3-03 and A4-03 Appendix F - Mysterious white surface-trapped particles in the central Chukchi Appendix G - Images of the freshwater front off Wales Appendix H - Other cruise photographs |
Science Team for HX290 (photo by S. Thornton) |
Mooring A303 safely back on board, covered in barnacles (Spot the two red trifloats!) |
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