The Western Arctic from the CBL 2002 cruise Monday and Wednesday 11:00-12:20 OTB (Ocean Teaching Building) 205 |
THE CHANGING ARCTIC OCEAN - an interdisciplinary perspective after IPY (International Polar Year 2007-2009)
Recent years show
unprecedented change in the ice-covered Arctic Ocean.
this interdisciplinary course, we will explore the interacting
physical, chemical and biological components of the Arctic System,
including:What is currently known about the complex Arctic Ice-Ocean system and the ecosystems it supports? What will be the impacts of continuing change within and beyond the Arctic? -- riddles of Arctic Ocean circulation -- defining roles of the sea-ice cover -- likely shifts in nutrient regimes and ecosystems -- and recent explorations of the seafloor, and consider the impacts of Arctic Change on global climate, native communities, and future exploitation of an ice-free summer ocean. The aims of the course are to develop: -- an understanding of how the Arctic ocean system works -- an understanding of observed and potential changes in the Arctic and impacts of these changes in the Arctic and beyond -- an appreciation of why we should care about Arctic Change. Skill development: To thrive in research (and other careers) needs skills beyond scientific data analysis, for example: -- discerning inquiry -- coherent communication (written and oral) -- competence in more than one discipline. Homework and class assignments will be aimed at developing these skills, and the art/science of productive scientific debate. Assignments/grading Assignments are both written and oral. There will be no tests or final exam. Full details of the assignments will be provided at the start of the course. Grade: Course grade will be determined from - 2 written homeworks (each 30% of the grade) - 1 team-presented oral review of a published paper (20% of the grade) - class participation, especially in the weekly paper reviews (20% of the grade). Written Assignments: There will be two written assignments: - the first written assignment, due end of week 5 (1st May 09), will be an essay assignment, including some literature review (reference list of at least 5 papers) and some thoughtful analysis. We encourage you to create an original graphic, flow diagram, table, etc to help convey your analysis. Link to details of the first written assignment - the second written assignment, due end of week 10 (5th June 09), will be to develop an experimental plan, suitable for an interdisciplinary 1-year IPY project. Details (including topics from which to select) will be given during class. Link to details of the second written assignment Oral Assignments: Each Wednesday (starting week 2, but excluding weeks when written assignments are due), there will be a ~ 20-30 min student-led discussion of a published paper. Papers will be selected (with class input) a week in advance. Everyone should read the assigned paper before the class. The main points of the paper will be presented by a team of students in a ~ 10 min oral presentation, to be followed by a ~ 10-20 min class debate. Each student will help to lead one such presentation during the course, and all students will be involved in the weekly class debates. More details will be given in class. Papers are given below. Link to details of the oral assignment |
As the class progresses, some notes/handouts from lectures will be posted here. Papers referred to in the lectures can be accessed HERE (password protected) Wk1 - Monday 30th March 2009: Lecture Notes (Overview and IPY - JD) as PDF (3.1Mb) SEARCH (Study of Environmental Arctic Change) NOAA Arctic Change Detection NOAA Arctic Report Card (2008) AMSR (Advanced Microwave Scanning Radiometer) movies of Arctic Sea-ice motion by Tom Agnew IPY (International Polar Year) Home page Papers cited in the lecture Wk1 - Wednesday 1st April 2009: Lecture Notes (Overview of Oceans and Atmos - RW) as PDF (1.1Mb) Bathymetry of the Arctic Ocean - IBCAO (International Bathymetric Chart of the Arctic Ocean) NSIDC - National Snow and Ice Data Center NOAA Arctic Report Card (2008) Papers cited in the lecture Wk2 - Monday 6th April 2009: Lecture Notes (Sea-ice - RW) as PDF (1.1Mb) Sea ice microstructure - AWI (Alfred-Wegener Institute for Polar Research) Formation and Decay of Arctic Sea Ice - by Wadhams, as part of NOAA Arctic Theme Page Papers cited in the lecture Wk2 - Wednesday 8th April 2009: Lecture Notes (2007 Sea-ice Loss - RW) as PDF (3Mb) SHEBA - Surface Heat Budget of the Arctic Ocean IDAO - Ice Diminished Arctic Ocean - modeling studies by Jinlun Zhang, with movies from model IABP - International Arctic Buoy Program (look under Data for movies) UIUC Cryosphere Today, images and moves from Chapman et al ACIA - Arctic Climate Impact Assessment NOAA Arctic Report Card (2008) NOAA Sea Ice Outlook (set of models predicting summer sea ice extent) Papers cited in the lecture Wk3 - Monday 13th April 2009: Lecture Notes (Sea-ice-Biology - JD) as PDF (5.8Mb) Papers cited in the lecture Wk3 - Wednesday 15th April 2009: Lecture Notes (Sea-ice-Biology continued - JD) as PDF (1.3Mb) Papers cited in the lecture Wk4 - Monday 20th April 2009: Lecture Notes (Arctic Inputs and Outputs - RW) as PDF (4.4Mb) Bering Strait - Pacific Gateway to the Arctic (Woodgate webpage) Chukchi Sea Circulation - UW A year in the Physical Oceanography of the Chukchi Sea Papers cited in the lecture Wk4 - Wednesday 22nd April 2009: Lecture Notes (Arctic Upper Ocean Circulation - RW) as PDF (4.4Mb) EWG (Environmental Working Group) Arctic Atlases (decadal climatology) PHC (Polar Science Center Hydrographic Climatology) - climatology of Arctic data SBI (Shelf Basin Interaction) moorings in the Chukchi Sea Papers cited in the lecture Wk5 - Monday 27th April 2009: Upper Ocean Circulation Lecture Notes (Arctic Upper Ocean Circulation Cont - RW) as PDF (2.0Mb) SBI (Shelf Basin Interaction) Mooring/CTD cruise in 2003 Plueddemann Beaufort Eddies Papers cited in the lecture Upper Ocean Biology Lecture Notes (Arctic Upper Ocean Biology - JD) as PDF (0.5Mb) Papers cited in the lecture Wk5 - Wednesday 29th April 2009: Lecture Notes (Arctic Upper Ocean Biology Cont - JD) as PDF (2.5Mb) Papers cited in the lecture Wk6 - Monday 4th May 2009: Lecture Notes (Arctic Upper Ocean Biology - JD) as PDF (2.8Mb) Wk6 - Wednesday 6th May 2009: Lecture Notes (Atlantic Water Circulation - RW) as PDF (8.4Mb) Papers cited in the lecture Wk7 - Monday 11th May 2009: Atlantic Water continued: Atlantic Water Papers cited in the lecture Polynyas: Lecture Notes (Polynyas - JD) as PDF (8.1Mb) Wk8 - Monday 18th May 2009: Lecture Notes (Bering Sea Physics - RW) as PDF (1.4Mb) Papers cited in the lecture NOAA Bering Climate Site BEST - Bering Ecosystem Study Homepage (UW) - BEST homepage at Arcus - Science Plan - Funded projects BSIERP - Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Project BESTMAS - Bering Sea Modelling Project (Zhang and Woodgate) Bering Strait observations (Woodgate et al., UW) Bering Sea Drifters (Weingartner et al., UAF) Bering Sea Green Belt (Shumacher and Stabeno) PDO - Pacific Decadal Oscillation from JISAO Wk9 - Wednesday 27th May 2009: Lecture Notes (Global Links - RW) as PDF (2.6Mb) Papers cited in the lecture Discussion papers Links to copies of the Wednesday Discussion papers. Note these links are password protected (for copyright reasons). The password and user name will be given in class, or you can contact us. See HERE for notes for oral presentations. Paper for WK2 Wednesday 8th April 2009 - Sea-ice physics - Amanda and Andy Holland, M.K., C.M.Bitz and B. Tremblay (2006), Future abrupt reductions in the summer Arctic sea ice, Geophysical Research Letters, 33, L23503, doi:10.1029/2006GL02824. Paper for WK3 Wednesday 15th April 2009 - Sea-ice biology - Jesse and Jesse Rysgaard, S., R. N. Glud, M. K. Sejr, J. Bendtsen, and P. B. Christensen (2007), Inorganic carbon transport during sea ice growth and decay: A carbon pump in polar seas, J. Geophys. Res., 112, C03016, doi:10.1029/2006JC003572. Paper for WK4 Wednesday 22nd April 2009 - Ocean Circulation - Anna and James Macdonald, R. W., E. C. Carmack, F. A. McLaughlin, K. K. Falkner, and J. H. Swift (1999), Connections among ice, runoff and atmospheric forcing in the Beaufort Gyre, Geophys. Res. Lett., 26, 2223-2226. Jones, E. P., L. G. Anderson, S. Jutterstrom, L. Mintrop, and J. H. Swift (2008), Pacific freshwater, river water and sea ice meltwater across Arctic Ocean basins: Results from the 2005 Beringia Expedition, J. Geophys. Res., 113, C08012, doi:10.1029/2007JC004124. Yamamoto-Kawai, M., F. A. McLaughlin, E. C. Carmack, S. Nishino, and K. Shimada (2008), Freshwater budget of the Canada Basin, Arctic Ocean, from salinity, d18O, and nutrients, J. Geophys. Res., 113, C01007, doi:10.1029/2006JC003858. No Paper for WK5 Paper for WK6 Wednesday 6th May 2009 - Upper Ocean biology - Fran and Britta Reigstad, M., C.W. Riser, P. Wassmann, and T. Ratkova (2008), Vertical export of particulate organic carbon: Attenuation, composition and loss rates in the northern Barents Sea, Deep-Sea Research II, 55, 2308 - 2319, doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2008.05.007 Paper for WK7 Wednesday 13th May 2009 - Polynyas - Tom and Noel Ringuette, M., L. Fortier, M. Fortier, J. A. Runge, S. Belanger, P. Larouche, J-M. Weslawski, and S. Kwasniewski (2002), Advanced recruitment and accelerated population development in Arctic calanoid copepods of the North Water, Deep-Sea Research II, 49, 5081-5099. Paper for WK8 Wednesday 20th May 2009 - Bering Sea - Jeff and Byron Mueter, F.J., and M.A. Litzow (2008), Sea ice retreat alters the biogeography of the Bering Sea continental shelf, Ecological Applications, 18(2), 309-310. Paper for WK9 Wednesday 27th May 2009 - "Wild Card" - Ian and Mark Carmack, E., and R. Macdonald (2008), Water and Ice-Related Phenomena in the Coastal Region of the Beaufort Sea: Some parallels betweeen Native Experience and Western Science, Arctic, 61(3), 265-280. No Paper for WK10 Other useful links As the class progresses, useful internet links will be posted here. Jody Deming's research home page Rebecca Woodgate's research home page Useful links for searching for papers UW link to ISI Web of Knowledge - can also be accessed off campus, via UW Libraries (then follow link in top right) Keeping up to date with Arctic annoucements (usual reports, sometimes jobs or cruise openings) Mailing list - ArcticInfo Links to multidisciplinary Arctic planning and assessment papers NOAA Arctic Change site - source for much basic information explaining aspects of Arctic change, with many links to useful sites. Good starting point to refresh your understanding of the basics, and get leads for areas of research. Written for the public rather than expert scientists. SEARCH (Study of Environmental Arctic Change) - community wide concensus on changes observed in the Arctic written for scientists mainly, what's been happening and what might be done about it. The Science Plan contains many references in many disciplines. The Implementation plan is more a future "shopping list". ACIA (Arctic Climate Impact Assessment) - another community wide document (albeit challenged by a significant number of people) listing changes observed, written for scientists and policy makers. The Marine Chapter (Chapter 9) also contains many references which may be useful starting points for a literature search. NOAA State of the Arctic Report - a similar document, with less broad authorship, on the status of Arctic Change. International Polar Year |
Email Jody Deming or Rebecca Woodgate or BOTH |