oceanic nitrate fluxes: First Bering
Strait overwinter nitrate time-series
(2022-2023) show winter replenishment
and suggest decadal flux increase
Part of the
AON (Arctic Observing Network)
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Rebecca Woodgate (
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The first overwinter
(September 2022 to July 2023) biogeochemical (nitrate, dissolved
oxygen, fluorescence, and turbidity) mooring time-series from
the Bering Strait indicate late summer secondary productivity, a
non-productive winter, and a spring bloom triggered by sea-ice
retreat. Hitherto unobserved nitrate replenishment (to 10-20μM)
occurs in October/November across the entire strait, with winter
variability seemingly linked to across-channel flow, implying a
cross-strait nitrate gradient in winter. Fall storms before
ice-formation only oxygenate the water column to ~95%
saturation. Data yield the first estimates of year-round
Pacific-to-Arctic nitrate flux (10.4+-1.6kmol/s) based on in
situ measurements (rather than inferred values); suggest that,
due to flow increase, the nitrate flux has most likely increased
over the last three decades; and indicate the nitrate-salinity
relationship used by others as a proxy of Bering Strait nitrate
breaks down in winter, making in situ measurements essential to
constraint the changing Pacific nutrient inflow to the Arctic.
Plain Language Abstract
The Bering Strait is the
only oceanic connection between the Pacific and the Arctic.
Prior measurements (all in summer or fall) have shown the water
flowing (northward) through the strait is rich in nutrients,
important for Chukchi and Arctic ecosystems. Satellite
observations of Arctic ecosystem growth imply that this oceanic
nutrient flux has been increasing since 1998, but there are no
measurements directly from the strait to confirm this, and
indeed there are no winter-time measurements of oceanic
nutrients from the strait either. New instruments moored to the
sea floor in the strait year-round from September 2022 to July
2023 yield the first overwinter measurements of the nutrient
content of the waters. These data show that the waters in the
strait are more nutrient-rich in wintertime than in summer and
allow us to estimate how much nutrient is being supplied to the
Arctic. Drawing on longer-term (1990 to present) observations of
the flow through the strait, we make a simplistic estimate of
how this nitrate flux may have changed over the last decades,
concluding that it is most likely that the flow increase found
in the longer-term data also drives an increase in the nitrate
flux to the Arctic.
Copyright: Polar Science Center, University of Washington, 2024
Figure 1 Figure 1. Bering Strait maps and biogeochemical time-series. Bering/Chukchi seas (a) and Bering Strait (b) with IBCAO topography (Jakobsson et al., 2000); US-Russian border (green dashed line (b)); moorings (A1-4 (b) and Nishino et al. (2016)'s SCH (Section 4.2) (a)); and schematic flows (b), color-coded as per time-series (c-g, j-l), viz. A3=black, A2=grey, A4=pink. ACC/SCC=Alaskan/Siberian Coastal Currents. (c-i) September 2022 to July 2023 1-day smoothed time-series of fluorescence (c); dissolved oxygen (showing also surface saturation) (d); nitrate (e); temperature (f); salinity (g); and along-channel (h) and across-channel (i) velocity at various depths (color-code in title), marking also sea-ice presence (f), season (d), and winter nitrate/across-channel flow correspondence, arrows (e,i) (Section 4,1). Stars (d, h) indicate step increases in oxygen and related flow events (Section 3.2). Hourly fall (17th October - 26th November 2022) time-series of nitrate (j), salinity (k), temperature (l), and along-channel velocity at various depths (m). |
Figure 2 Figure 2. Hourly temperature, salinity and nitrate at A3. Time-series of temperature (a), salinity (b), and nitrate (c), each color-coded by time-periods of Figure 1d (fall=red, pink; winter=cyan, blue; spring=green, black) and corresponding temperature-salinity (d) and nitrate-salinity (e) plots, separated (i,ii,iii) by season (dates indicated) and color-coded by time-period as for time-series (with grey indicating the entire record). Nitrate-salinity plots (e) mark also nitrate-salinity fits of Hennon et al. (2022) for all seasons (dashed) and the season represented (solid). |
Figure 3 Figure 3. Seasonal and interannual Bering Strait nitrate flux estimates. For September 2022-July 2023, (grey/black) monthly mean (with standard errors) A3 volume transport (a.i), lower layer A3 nitrate (a.ii), and nitrate flux assuming a 10 or 20m depleted layer for June to November (a.iii). Blue/cyan shows Hennon et al. (2022), 1997-2018 average nitrate (a.ii) and nitrate flux (a.iii). (b) Idealized seasonal cycle of nitrate for the interannual calculation (Section 5.3) showing depth of depleted layer (b.i), time variability of lower layer nitrate (b.ii), and product of these two fields (b.iii), i.e. the weighting for transport for flux calculations. (c) 12-month (black/green) and 6-month (gray) smoothed volume flux (c.i) and nitrate flux assuming no interannual variability in nitrate concentrations) (c.ii), with trend lines (black) and values (m, top left, with 95% error). |
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