part of the Bering Strait project funded by
NSF-AON (Arctic Observing Network), in August
2018 a team of US scientists undertook a ~ 10
day cruise in the Bering Strait and southern
Chukchi Sea region on the US vessel Norseman
II, operated by Norseman Maritime Charters.
The primary goals of the expedition were:
1) recovery of 3 moorings carrying physical
oceanographic (Woodgate-NSF) and whale
acoustic (Stafford) instrumentation. These
moorings were deployed in the Bering Strait
region in 2017 from the Norseman II. The
funding for the physical oceanographic
components of these moorings comes from
2) deployment of 3 moorings in the Bering
Strait region, carrying physical oceanographic
(Woodgate) and whale acoustic (Stafford)
instrumentation. The funding for the physical
oceanographic components of these moorings
comes from NSF-AON.
3) accompanying CTD sections (without water
4) collection of accompanying ship’s underway
data (surface water properties, ADCP,
meteorological data). The cruise loaded and
offloaded in Nome, Alaska.
Due to a fortunate weather window in an
otherwise very storm cruise, all moorings were
safely recovered and redeployed early in the
cruise. Storms greatly limited our
ability to run CTD lines, however, a total of
142 CTD casts (on 7 lines) were eventually
accomplished. For full details, and
preliminary results, see:
Ship-track, blue. Mooring sites, black. CTD
stations, red. Arrows indicate direction of travel
(blue during mooring operations and transits, green
arrows mark the 7 CTD lines). Depth contours every
10m from the International Bathymetric Chart of the
Arctic Ocean (IBCAO) [Jakobsson et al., 2000]. Lower
panels give detail of strait region at the start
(left) and end (right) of the cruise. See cruise
report for daily detail.