Laurier in ice

Canadian Coastguard's
Sir Wilfrid Laurier

Photo of Laurier

Bering Strait Moorings 2006

Part of IOS CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier cruise 2006    
1st  July - 22nd July 2006   
Victoria - Dutch Harbor - Wainwright

Science Coordinator: Bon Van Hardenberg,
Institute of Ocean Sciences (IOS), Canada
Lead for Canadian Science: Ed Carmack, IOS
Chief Scientist (IOS): Bill Williams (to Dutch),John Nelson (from Dutch)
Lead for US Science: Jackie Grebmeier,
University of Tennessee
Bering Strait Mooring work: Rebecca Woodgate (UW)

Corresponding author: Rebecca Woodgate

This Bering Strait mooring work  is sponsored by NSF (ARC-0528632)
and the Alaskan Ocean Observing System
2006 UW Cruise Report
with map, preliminary mooring results and CTD sections
2006 Teacher's Daily Outreach Website
- mooring recoveries
- mooring movie (by Lee Cooper)

The Bering Strait is the only Pacific Gateway to the Arctic Ocean.  Since 1990, the properties of the Pacific inflow to the Arctic have been measured by moorings in the Bering Strait (more info).  This inflow is important as it is a source of nutrients, freshwater and heat for the Arctic Ocean, with implications for Arctic sea-ice, ocean stratification and ecosystems.  Data indicate that since 2001 the fluxes of heat and freshwater through the strait has been increasing (see here).  The most recent data so far available (2004) suggest that year had the highest heat flux since moored measurements began. 
    In 2005, three Bering Strait moorings were deployed off the CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier, to measure the throughflow properties in what maybe a continuing warming environment (cruise report).  Now in 2006, as part of a joint Canadian-US expedition aboard the CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier, we have recovered and redeployed these moorings.

For details, see:

- the 2006 UW Mooring Cruise report

- the
daily journal of teacher-at-sea, Betty Carvellas

Right: Diagram of one of the three Bering Strait moorings, consisting of a ULS (Upward Looking Sonar, measuring ice thickness), a steel float, an RCM (recording current meter, meauring water velocity), an SBE SeaCat (measuring water temperature, salinity and fluorescence), more floatation, an NAS (Nutrient  Sampler, measuring nitrate), two acoustic releases, and an anchor weight.

Our thanks go to the captain and crew of the CCGS Sir Wilfrid Laurier for their hard work, skill, and professionalism during the cruise.

Schematic of mooring

For use of any of these figures, please contact
Rebecca Woodgate (

© Polar Science Center, University of Washington, 2006

We gratefully acknowledge financial support - the 2005-2006 mooring work (including this year's recovery) effort is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) (Grant# ARC-0528632), and the 2006 deployment (a collaboration with UAF) is sponsored by the Alaskan Ocean Observing System.

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