UpTempO 2014 #11 Amundsen - Deceased
Made by MetOcean Data Systems
Iridium ID # (IMEI = International Mobile Equipment Identity): 300234060340370
ocean temperature at nominal depths (m): 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10., 15., 20., 25., 30.
ocean salinity at nominal depths (m): NA
ocean pressure depths (m): 15, 30
Graphics below have been updated to show Level 2 data.
The plot below shows the path of UpTempO 2014 #11 Amundsen colored by month. The flag marks the buoy's last known location. Black contours show two isobaths: 28 m ("short buoy" max depth: e.g., 2011 APLIS buoy) and 60 m ("standard buoy"
max depth).
The dashed black line indicates air temperature.
Buoy Name: UpTempO 2014 #11 Amundsen
Modem ID (last 4 or 6 digits): 0370
Position: 73.29N 128.55W
Vessel: Amundsen
Position: 81.79N 133.94W
Battery Voltage: 9.6V
Modem ID (last 4 or 6 digits): 0370
Date: 8/30/2014Position: 73.29N 128.55W
Vessel: Amundsen
Date: 5/ 5/2017Position: 81.79N 133.94W
Battery Voltage: 9.6V
Data File Size: 5419.532 kbLEVEL 2 DATA
Data File Size: 5630.032kbTEMPERATURE TIME SERIES
The temperature time series for each thermistor is shown below, plotted against day of the year or date.The dashed black line indicates air temperature.