UpTempO 2022 #9 SASSIE - Deceased
Made by Pacific Gyre
Iridium ID # (IMEI = International Mobile Equipment Identity): 300534062896730
ocean temperature at nominal depths (m): 0.25, 0.57, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 50, 60
ocean salinity at nominal depths (m): 0.51, 10, 20, 30, 40, 60
ocean pressure depths (m): 20, 40, 60
This buoy was deployed from the R/V Woldstad during the SASSIE project.
Sensor Details
Graphics below have been updated to show Level 2 data.
The plot below shows the path of UpTempO 2022 #9 SASSIE colored by month. The flag marks the buoy's last known location. Black contours show two isobaths: 28 m ("short buoy" max depth: e.g., 2011 APLIS buoy) and 60 m ("standard buoy"
max depth).
Buoy Name: UpTempO 2022 #9 SASSIE
Modem ID (last 4 or 6 digits): 896730
Position: 72.03N 149.26W
Vessel: SASSIE
Position: 82.56N 2.89E
Battery Voltage: 5V
Modem ID (last 4 or 6 digits): 896730
Date: 09/20/2022Position: 72.03N 149.26W
Vessel: SASSIE
Date: 08/31/2024Position: 82.56N 2.89E
Battery Voltage: 5V